Alhamdulillah.... ada info menarik mengenai jasa pembuatan google adsense dari blog tetangga.
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Pembuatan jasa account Google adsense sengaja saya tawarkan ke seluruh pengunjung blog ini dengan harga yang sangat murah, jasa nya hanya Rp. 30.000( transfer BCA / BRI / Rp. 30.000)(via pay pal $4) bagi yang berminat silahkan call / sms 02168936593, ( setelah Account jadi.. baru di bayar / di transfer ) kirim data via email
Nama lengkap:
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Alamat lengkap/kode pos/ propinsi :
Negara :
Nama blog :
nomor handphone :
Harap bersabar dalam menunggu antrian, minta maaf kepada seluruh pemesan jasa ini, yang pasti saya akan berusaha supaya seluruh pemesan agar di setujui semua, selama ini Alhamdulillah hampir semua di setujui, sekali lagi harap bersabar
Saya sengaja menjual murah jasa ini, hanya Rp. 30.000 / $ 4 karena saya ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dalam dunia blogging dan ingin memberikan rasa senang kepada seluruh blogger
Iklan yang menampilkan google adsense di blog ini, sengaja saya hidden, demi keamanan account saya, harap di mengerti, dan penayangannya ada di blog lain.
Terima kasi, Salam sukses dari saya Mohamad nasori, owner Azzam computer,
Making intentionally Google adsense account services I offer to all visitors of this blog with a very cheap price, its services only Rp. 30,000 (transfer / $ 4, (via pay pal) for those interested please call / sms 02168936593, (after the new account so .. on a paid / on the transfer) to send data via email
Data sent:
Full name:
Place of birth:
Full address / postal code / province:
Blog name:
phone number:
Please be patient in waiting queue, apologized to all subscribers of this service, which I definitely will try to be all approved buyer for all, so far almost all the approved Alhamdulillah, again please be patient
I intend to sell these services cheap, only Rp. 30 000 / $ 4 because I wanted to share the happiness in the world of blogging and want to give pleasure to all bloggers
Google adsense ads that display on this blog, I intentionally hidden, for the safety of my account, hope in understanding, and show ads on other blogs.
Thank you, Greetings from my success Mohamad Nasori, owner Azzam computer,
Data sent:
Full name:
Place of birth:
Full address / postal code / province:
Blog name:
phone number:
Please be patient in waiting queue, apologized to all subscribers of this service, which I definitely will try to be all approved buyer for all, so far almost all the approved Alhamdulillah, again please be patient
I intend to sell these services cheap, only Rp. 30 000 / $ 4 because I wanted to share the happiness in the world of blogging and want to give pleasure to all bloggers
Google adsense ads that display on this blog, I intentionally hidden, for the safety of my account, hope in understanding, and show ads on other blogs.
Thank you, Greetings from my success Mohamad Nasori, owner Azzam computer,
Semoga, kita bisa mendulang dollar melalui blog kita
(Ruang Kerja, Maryu)